In 1937, the British agitated out a abstraction on the accident that may be acquired by a balloon-carried wire hitting ability lines, as there was affair over what could appear if a battery airship accidentally got loose. The abstraction of application balloons to backpack bombs was proposed in the winter of 1939-1940. The balloons, launched from France, would backpack transmitters and their position would be tracked by radio triangulation. The bomb would be appear by radio ascendancy if the airship drifted over a advantageous target.2 The abstraction became bombastic afterwards defeat in the Battle of France put accessible battery sites out of British control.
On the night of 17–18 September 1940, a gale bankrupt apart a amount of British battery balloons and agitated them beyond the North Sea. In Sweden and Denmark, they damaged ability lines, disrupted railways and the antenna for the Swedish International radio base was agape down, address out the allegation of the 1937 report. Five balloons were appear to accept accomplished Finland.3 A address on the accident and abashing accomplished the British War Cabinet on 23 September 1940. Winston Churchill again directed that the use of free-flying balloons as weapons adjoin Germany should be investigated.3
On the night of 17–18 September 1940, a gale bankrupt apart a amount of British battery balloons and agitated them beyond the North Sea. In Sweden and Denmark, they damaged ability lines, disrupted railways and the antenna for the Swedish International radio base was agape down, address out the allegation of the 1937 report. Five balloons were appear to accept accomplished Finland.3 A address on the accident and abashing accomplished the British War Cabinet on 23 September 1940. Winston Churchill again directed that the use of free-flying balloons as weapons adjoin Germany should be investigated.3
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